Stressed or anxious and not getting enough daily Magnesium?! I created this delicious Chill Pill Magnesium Chocolate recipe to help! Okay, there’s some back story here. You’ve seen me talking about my taters and lady bits and that encouraged me to go deeper. Over 40 (hi that’s me), things start to shift: everywhere from metabolic…
To Health and Back Again
My story is long and not necessarily unique, but I want to share how I went To Health and Back Again and am here to tell the tale. I hesitate to start at the beginning, because I am old and because the beginning is relatively uneventful. But I suppose that’s sort of the point. As…
Tips for Safer Sun Care and Best Clean Products
Tips for Safer Sun Care and Best Clean Products are a plenty these days. But which ones are my tried and true and my absolute favorites!? I’ve always been a sun worshipper. Unfortunately, in the “old days”, we did very little in the way of SAFE sun exposure, and more in the way of tin…
Sick Tummies Popsicles
Sick Tummies Popsicles You know around this time of year I don’t just find inspiration in food, I unfortunately find inspiration in illness. <<SAD FACE>> But you know the drill: kids go back to school, they share germs with hundreds of their closest friends, the temperatures cool, they spend less time outside, get less…
My Paleo Shopping List
My Paleo Shopping List This morning I got an email from a reader who is new to Paleo, enthusiastic about her commitment to better eating, but who is also unsure of where to start. Like many others, she has some health concerns and lots of fatigue so she was looking for guidance on what are…
Toxin Binders and Their Role in Healing
Toxin Binders and Their Role in Healing As a wellness advocate and a patient with an extensive wrap sheet, I get lots of inquiries about what supplements I take and what has helped me make the most progress in my healing journey. Binders are one area of supplementation that continue to draw ever so much inquiry…
FLU SEASON SUPPLEMENTS Many of us can agree that there are a good number of reasons that communicable disease might flare in the Winter months. We tend to be more stressed, less nourished, and certainly void of immune-supportive vitamins like Vitamin D, which we get during the Summer months. Not to mention many of us…
My Energy Kinesiology Experience
My Energy Kinesiology Experience This is long. Brace yourselves. My whole life I have been a creative. And a people pleaser. And an empath. I was a ballet dancer, and charity based special event planner, and now this. My mission is always to find new or different ways to help people in need. And I…
Sweet Potato Bacon Tots
I can’t believe it’s less than a month until PALEO KIDS COOKBOOK comes out! It seems like I wrote this thing last year! Oh wait, I did. I appreciate all of your patience as you’ve been anticipating the release and I know so many of you pre-ordered AGES ago! I wanted to give you a…