Many of us can agree that there are a good number of reasons that communicable disease might flare in the Winter months. We tend to be more stressed, less nourished, and certainly void of immune-supportive vitamins like Vitamin D, which we get during the Summer months. Not to mention many of us become more reclusive and less active since it is cold out.
Even when we protect ourselves the best we can, sickness happens. And once it does we are often trying anything and everything we can to get better quick. You may have seen my FLU SEASON GUMMIES or my list of PREDOMINANTLY PALEO SUPPLEMENTS I take which are all great! In this list I am going to lay out what I give my family (and myself) when 1) someone does get sick, 2) there is sickness present in the house and/or 3) I know of someone close to us who has become sick.
When illness kicks in, these are my trust standby supplements and nutritional supports:
Bone Broth – make some homemade in your Instant Pot, stovetop or slow cooker. HERE is my recipe for beef broth; HERE is my chicken broth recipe. Broth is one of the easiest to digest foods and also has lots of immune supportive collagen to help get you back on your feet.
Green Juice – go for low sugar whenever possible, I like Suja a lot for store bought or you can make your own. When you are sick, flooding the body with nutrients is always the best bet. Plus greens have extra magnesium (see below) to help you heal.
Lauricidin – this is one of my daily supplements but I like to up it during winter months. It is comprised of lauric acid (found in breast milk) and provides defense against viruses, bacteria, and fungal/yeast. Find it HERE.
Garlic Tincture – Garlic is killer (pun intended) when it comes to infections. The tincture is strong but it is potent as all get out. I have actually wiped out strep in my middle child when 2 rounds of repeat antibiotics could not wipe it out. It is powerful stuff. This is the one I buy HERE.
Lipsomal Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a great immune supporter but many forms of it are poorly absorbed or can cause diarrhea. I like liposomal C because of its ability to be absorbed. I use THIS one and typically double up during cold and flu season. It is soy free unlike many lipo C supplements. Clinical: In THIS study, Vitamin C was able to reduce cold and flu symptoms by 85% when dosed accordingly.
Oscillococcinum – This homeopathic remedy is specifically for flu symptoms. It does not work for everyone and is best taken at the beginning of the illness but when it works, it works. Most homeopathics (including this one) contain lactose, take note if you are sensitive. Clinical (full source found HERE):
Oscillococcinum works rapidly, with 63 percent of patients showing “complete resolution” or “clear improvement” at 48 hours.*1 In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the recovery rate within 48 hours of treatment was significantly greater in the group that received the active drug than in the placebo group.†2
Aconitum Napellus 30c – this homeopathic remedy is great for sudden illness, aches, colds, coughs, sore throat, flu. Most homeopathics contain lactose, this one doesn’t so be sure to look for the right one for those intolerant.
Spongia Tosta 30C Pellets – this homeopathic remedy is typically used for deep croupy coughs. When the flu presents with this, this one can come in handy. Most homeopathics contain lactose, this one doesn’t so be sure to look for the right one for those intolerant.
Chestal: Chestal from Boiron is a homeopathic remedy blend designed specifically for deep phlegmy coughs. It is great for kids because it tastes sweet and so it is easy to administer. They make an adult version and a children’s version. The adult version is HERE. The children’s HERE.
Epsom Salt Baths – since magnesium dips during winter months due to stress and poor diet, mag can help treat the flu by regulating your temperature, helping you sleep, relaxing your muscles and giving you more energy. The magnesium in epsom salt is a fantastic way to help relax the muscles and flush the lactic acid out of them. Since flu causes lots of aches and pains this can help temporarily relieve muscle and joint pain. If you prefer an oral magnesium, THIS one is great, as the ionic delivery aids in better absorption.
Elderberry Syrup: Sambucol was shown to be effective in vitro against 10 strains of influenza virus. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study, Sambucol reduced the duration of flu symptoms to 3-4 days. You can find read more HERE. Many store bought elderberry products do have a bit of cane sugar in them like THIS one (which is not the worst thing in the world in my opinion for the amounts that are consumed). But if you prefer to make your own, you can try THIS one at home.
Flu Season Gummies: My flu season gummies were designed more as a preventative to help support immune function, but if you have a kiddo and are having trouble getting the good stuff in ’em, these are fantastic for them to consume WHILE sick. Find the recipe HERE!
Thieves Oil: While I do not like to promote any particular brand of essential oils, and am not affiliated with any oil company, Thieves Oil is one that I always keep on hand and use during illness and also at times of mold exposure. It is shown to reduce influenza in vitro. I like to use it on the bottoms of my feet and also diffuse it. There are a variety of brands found HERE, not all are the same quality so you can research what you believe is optimal.
Vickie B. Wangberg says
Better than some of the above and super cheap to avoid and heal from colds/flue or anything that affects the immune system is to avoid all fructose (fruit sugars-so absolutely no fruit). I didn’t believe this from Barry Groves from his book “Trick and Treat” but if you try it-it works amazingly well paired with drinking elderberry tea every 2 hours. You can avoid prescription drugs for pink eye and other stuff if you avoid fruit (no fructose) and drink the elderberry tea. Try no fruit and then see how you avoid viruses-then try pigging out on fruit and you will catch it quickly. It works-it’s cheap.
predominantlypaleo says
I am actually not a big fruit eater in general. Stress seems to be my biggest immune trigger of all.
Lori says
How old was your child when you gave him/her the garlic tincture for strep? Did you have a hard time getting them to take it? My almost 5 yr old has had trouble with strep and I’m looking for ways to avoid going down the ENT route which usually ends with a tonsillectomy. Just wondering how bad it tastes and whether a 5 yr old would drink it or not? Thanks!
predominantlypaleo says
She was probably 7. I mix the garlic into water but you could use juice. It is strong but she was willing to take it by holding her nose and chugging it down.
Lori says
Thanks so much for the reply! Did you follow the dosage on the bottle or go less because it was a child?