Oy Vey!!! What a week! In just under 7 days I have submitted my manuscript for Down South Paleo, celebrated my birthday, and am launching Yiddish Kitchen!! Yiddish Kitchen is a labor of love born from complete desperation. Alright, that’s a little dramatic. But when we looked around for grain free Jewish recipes for…
What a week! You might find this hard to believe but I do NOT typically make dessert every single day! Don’t get me wrong, I like to indulge but sheesh – FIVE different cookie varieties in a week is sorta out of control! But ’tis the holiday season and seeing YOUR enthusiasm really motivated me…
Paleo Mexican Wedding Cookies {Egg Free}
This is the final cookie in my Holiday Cookies Series! If you’ve been following along, you have already gotten to see my Grain Free Candy Cane Cookies, Paleo Spritz Cookies, Grain Free Gingerbread Men, and my Grain Free Sugar Cookies with Frosting . It’s been great hearing your feedback and seeing your photos of your creations…
Grain Free Gingerbread Men {Nut + Egg Free}
Apparently I have volunteered myself for a HOLIDAY COOKIES Series. I’m not really sure how this happened amidst the last weeks before my manuscript for DOWN SOUTH PALEO is due, but I am trying to roll with it. I find baking sort of therapeutic and enjoy including my kids in the process. So maybe we…
5 Tips to Surviving the Holidays Grain, Dairy, + Refined Sugar Free
If you’re anything like me, your enthusiasm for the holidays is followed by that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you think about all the temptations that lie ahead. It seems from the moment Halloween rolls around, it is nothing but sweets, treats, and grain-filled EVERYTHING until after the new year strikes! When I…
Paleo Meal Planning on a Budget
Liz McGaw, the blogger behind Paleo on a Budget, is releasing her print book in just days! I was lucky enough to get an early copy of it and am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my feedback with y’all! Far and away one of the biggest issues people have with eating paleo, other…
Toffee + Chocolate Cookie Brittle
So I’ve really been needing a break from working on Down South Paleo and I’ve been thinking about a HOLIDAY TREAT I used to make ALLLLLL the time, but is TOTALLY anti-paleo in every way. Then last night I was sorta kinda challenged by Paleo Parents to make a very similar treat that SHE also…
“Paleo Eats” Pre-Sale BONUS
Howdy Friends! I have some exceptionally exciting news to share with you today! My friend and fellow author, Kelly Bejelly is getting closer and closer to her launch date for her brand new book: Paleo Eats: 111 Comforting Gluten-Free, Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Recipes for the Foodie in You. I have been watching her work tirelessly on…
In my relatively short time blogging about eating a paleo-ish lifestyle, I have heard my share of excuses: it’s too hard, it’s too time consuming, it’s too expensive, it’s too much work to make the transition, my kids won’t like it, my spouse won’t like it, I can’t live without “xyz”. And here’s the thing…