Have you ever had that friend that tells you how awesome your birthday gift is going to be, except that your birthday is months away??! “You’ll love it,” she says. And then you get to count down until you actually get to open the darn thing?! Well I might be that friend… Because I am…
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes + BLENDTEC Giveaway
I am so stinkin’ excited about this post I could scream! A few months ago one of my favorite kitchen appliances died. At first I considered running out and replacing it but instead decided to keep an open mind and research a little. I saw different ads and posts for Blendtec blenders and was intrigued….
OMGah! Paleo Magazine “Best of” Nomination!!!
So yesterday, TWO of my blogger friends sent a message to me letting me know I had been nominated via PALEO MAGAZINE for the Best Blog Recipe: Culinary Recreation for my YUCA DOUGH!!!!!! As a relatively new blogger, I did NOT see this coming. I am flattered beyond measure to even have received a nomination…
Bad Wolf Bakery Giveaway
In my early days of eating grain free, I thought my life would be void of so many of the delicious foods I had come to love over the years. I’ve always had a weakness for chocolate chip cookies and brownies and other baked goods! I mean who can blame me really?! Anyway, I was…
Paleo Apple Kugel
Fall weather, like Spring weather, brings about a certain awakening for many of us. It is a reminder of football season, Thanksgiving, sweaters + Ugg Boots, and smoking chimneys. Fall is also the time when Rosh Hashanah is celebrated, the Jewish New Year. It is a time to start afresh and to bring blessings for…
Yuca Dough FAQ
Who knew yuca could create such a stir?! This starchy tuber is just full of possibilities and why not? It’s starchy like a potato but yet can be magically transformed into a dough like delicacy. Stuffed, baked, or fried, the options are endless! Yuca also comes with quite a few inquiries. You can find my…
10K GIVEAWAY This is just out of control awesome! On January 19, 2014 I decided to finally share my recipes publicly which I had been slowly and steadily collaborating in my blog. I had not really shared my blog with anyone other than family and a few friends, as I had never really imagined anyone…
My Polyface Visit
For me to be speechless is almost unheard of really. I seem to have an opinion about everything and rarely take issue in voicing it. If I love it I show it, and if not, well, you’d know that too. Well a few months ago a group of bloggers posted a field trip opportunity to…
Zenbelly Cookbook Review + GIVEAWAY!
As a food blogger, I come into contact with a variety of recipes and recipe writers on the daily. It’s actually one of the best parts of being in a community like this is drooling over food for my “job.” There is so much talent in the culinary world and I am constantly impressed with…