How I Dissolved My Fibroadenoma Without Surgery
For months I have debated talking about this topic. Did I want to open this can of worms? Did I want to read the incessant feedback about how I’m doing it wrong? Did I want to get into debates about Western medicine vs natural? Did I want to open myself up to desperate women asking for medical advice, which I cannot give?
The answers to all of these questions is no, I don’t. Being on social media offering fun, free recipes is hard enough sometimes when the trolls come out and even the well-intentioned become difficult to manage. But in the end, I am sharing my story because, like with Lyme, like with autoimmune disease, like with high viral titers and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and any other of the bazillions of diagnoses I’ve had, sometimes putting myself out there for the sake of others is what gives the smallest glimmer of hope to others who are suffering. And we know that without hope during dark times, we have next to nothing at all.
So here it goes. Six years ago, at the peak of my Lyme et al crisis, I had a strange discharge (without palpable lump) out of my left breast. I freaked out, got into see a breast specialist instantly, had all the diagnostic testing (mammo, ultrasound, biopsy) and was given the all clear. If you’ve ever had the “C” scare, or the actual thing, it’s rather terrifying. But having the scare while I was already suffering physically was almost too much to bear. Thankfully it turned out ok.
Fast forward to November 2017. I discovered a lump in that same breast, on the same side where the biopsy had happened 6 years earlier. I was finishing writing Affordable Paleo Cooking with Your Instant Pot, we were getting ready to leave for vacation, and I knew I would not have time to deal with it until my return. It’s worth noting that I have always had dense breast tissue and fibrocystic breasts since I was very young. I also had breast implants inserted (mid 20s) and removed (early 30s), but that’s another story for another time.
I decided to keep a watch on the newly discovered lump (while secretly freaking out) since my breasts tend to change a lot over the course of a menstrual cycle. I found it important to track any changes and also see if the lump might be similar to the other fibrocystic changes I experience.
So over the course of December- early March, I tracked it. It did not change in size that I could tell except possibly growing a bit during the period post ovulation before starting my cycle. It felt fairly hard and was moveable and was not painful except during the part of my cycle when my breasts tend to be more sensitive in general.
By March I had begun to worry more since it had not gone away on its own and I don’t like putting off medical diagnostics anyway, but the time had come to get a professional opinion. I saw my OB/GYN, first time seeing him since moving back to the Midwest. He coincidentally was also the doctor who delivered my youngest, right before we moved. He said after a manual exam that he was not worried but that a mammogram and ultrasound were in order right away.
I know people have very strong opinions about mammograms and the radiation associated with them. I know there are other screening methods like thermography available to us today. I also know that my personal reality is I have just moved away from Washington DC where I had access to literally any alternative test I wanted, to a rural area with far fewer options. Additionally, I know that I want as many screening methods as possible to determine what’s going on in there when I don’t have answers and am quite frankly terrified of the what ifs.
I received a mammo and an ultrasound the next day after my breast exam a the OB/GYN’s office. The radiologist was able to tell me after the ultrasound that he was 99.999999% positive it was a fibroadenoma, which if you are not familiar, is a non-cancerous growth. He showed me the imaging and how they diagnose one from other cysts and tumors. He also told me, however, that “it will continue to grow so you need to take it out via core biopsy while it is small”.
I had a core biopsy after the discharge event 6 years ago so I am familiar with how it works. I also would rather not have surgery unless it is absolutely necessary, for a number of reasons (anesthesia, physical trauma, recovery time, invasive nature). I have also researched extensively, ways to deal with fibroadenomas naturally, and so my plan of action was:
- Knowing that I am not in any imminent danger, I will try to address this in ways I know how on my own first
- I will use excision as a last resort, but am not opposed to it
I was pursued quite assertively by the OB’s office, the hospital nurse administrator, and a few others to make sure I got my surgery in the books ASAP. I told them I would be in touch.
Over the course of the few months I attempted to shrink my fibroadenoma by using the following techniques to address it…
- Watched for SOY intake on a much more scrutinizing level. It gets snuck into so many things and I wanted to make sure my more relaxed attitude towards organic soy (which I tolerate in terms of food sensitivities) became more deliberately cautioned. There are times I allow myself an organic soy latte since I don’t consume milk. Yes I know soy is not paleo, but I tolerate it so I drink it on occasion. I cut this out during my attempt to heal the fibroadenoma naturally. I made sure I had coffee with my typical Nut Pods and just made sure to pack them when we traveled.
- I used compresses with organic cotton makeup removal pads soaked in castor oil with a few drops of frankincense nightly and slept like that.
- I do not wear bras except for a lightly lined, loose sports bra and haven’t for years. But during this time I also tried to go bra-free more often.
- I do not wear traditional anti-perspirant and haven’t for probably 20 years, so of course continued on that path.
- I repeated my DUTCH hormone test to see what might be happening there and see if I was perhaps estrogen dominant. I’m not. My estrogen and testosterone are actually on the very low end. My progesterone is perfect.
- I know my adrenals and stress hormones were being asked to fire regularly so I started a supplement for that. I learned from my friend and one of my trusted healthcare practitioners Dr. Becky Campbell, that when you are stressed, the over production of stress hormones will affect your ability to produce proper amounts of sex hormones (can be high or low) so I began taking HPA Balance per her suggestion. It has adaptogens and has helped with stress management during a peak time these last few months.
- I focused more on nutrition and doing the things I know are right for my body, including daily collagen, more veggies, less convenience foods, more homemade meals (thanks Instant Pot!)
By the end of March, my fibroadenoma was undetectable. It’s possible there is some residual tissue there but it was small to start and very near the skin’s surface so it was easy to palpate. I cannot feel it at all at this time and I have waited a few weeks, feeling daily, to confirm this. I’ll continue to do self breast exams and do what I’ve been doing to get to this point. I’m obviously thrilled with the outcome but also know from my complicated health history to always stay just guarded enough to remain vigilent of my body.
My final thoughts on “all things health” related are these:
- I love the idea of healing through food, supplements, and the least invasive possibilities
- I believe these are the essential foundations of enforcing or maintaining good health and attempting to prevent flares of autoimmune dysfunction
- I also am a believer in Western Medicine, not in all cases for all things. But I can tell you when I had a random infection of diverticular bleeding 2 years ago, those antibiotics saved me. And I can tell you that my daughter’s surgery to correct her eye alignment and vision was life altering. I rely daily on rx pig thyroid for my Hashimoto’s disease. I can also tell you that my husband needed that hernia surgery to function. There are times when I am whole heartedly on board with all things Western, and I’m grateful for the advances we’ve made.
- Finding a balance in all things is my philosophy. I have happily cured recurring strep in one of my daughters with garlic tincture, but also am grateful for antibiotics for strep when needed.
- I also find that there are no hard and set rules for any of this because if you suffer from autoimmune or chronic Lyme like I do, you know that what works for some doesn’t work for others AND that what once worked for OURSELVES may not work every time without fail.
- The most important lesson for me to learn, and relearn, is that I have to remain flexible, open-minded, and be willing to evaluate each situation as it arises, without becoming too attached to any one methodology or philosophy. There is no one answer and there is more grey than black or white.
I love when people post how they handled a health situation in a natural way. Obviously not everyone reacts in the same way, but I always look for natural alternatives rather than drugs and surgery. Thank you for sharing your continuing journey in the realm of self health care.
Thank you Patricia!
Recently i discovered fibroadenoma in my left breast plz help me how to reduce it i dont want to do surgery
Hi Yousra, I don’t have any additional tips other than what is in the blog post but I do wish you success!
hey me too. update on what u ended up doing?
How to cure that fibroadenoma ,because i have also fibroadenoma in my left breast.
Please I need your help, I have fibrodenoma in my right breast. What should I do ? please help me
I like how you are open to both Western and natural healing. We need more balance in our lives. People get too uptight too often on one bent or the other. Glad you were able to heal yourself this way!!
Thank you Aimee!!!
Thank you for sharing. I can learn a lot from your journey. So happy for your good news.
Thank you Darenda!
I love (and share) your philosophy on health and the role of western medicine. One suggestion I have for dense, cystic breasts is supplementing natural iodine. I don’t understand the mechanism, but I know that since I started taking a daily kelp supplement, my breasts are soft and no longer lumpy and scary! I made no other changes at the time. No mega doses, either. Just the smallest one I can find. I wish you all the best.
Thank you Gina, I have Hashi’s so I can’t take iodine but I am so glad it’s helped you!
Hi Gina,
Can you share how to use iodine as treatment?
This is so brave and so beautiful. I share much if your philosophy. I do natural therapies and treatments as much as I feel comfortable and am able, but I do think Western medicine has its place. I’m sure the evil beast prednisone has saved my life several times. I remind myself of what Sarah Ballentine says — “medication is not failure.”
Thank you Melissa!
Loved everything about this! You did a great job of balancing your feelings of Western medicine versus holistic treatments . . . totally how I believe as well! High five.
Woot! Thanks Amy!
Awesome read, thank you for sharing.
That is great news. Where in the midwest are you located? Several good options for alternative treatment in KS – if you need any info send me an email.
Soy plays with hormones a lot, Have you ever tried MALK? It is a nut based “milk” made with 5 ingredients or less. Usually Nuts, Water, salt, vanilla, maple syrup. All real ingredients. They have several (almond, pecan, cashew) and flavors.
Hi. I need some information. I just got my fiberadenoma removed but I need to take precautions before another one grows which I hope will not. Can you please email me?
I really can’t give medical advice. I hope you find the information I provided helpful
Great article and views on natural medicine and conventional medicine. I feel the exact same way about surgery. It just scares me. If its not a life threatening issue then try anything else first. My husband had a total knee replacement and then a revision 1 year later. He woke up from the second surgery with TMJ (he was not intubated) and tinnitus. I believeit from the anesthesia. Its been over 2 years and he still has both so probably will for the rest of his life. Would you mind sharing if you have a particular brand of sports bra that you love? Thank you for all you do.
Great post. Where would you suggest I buy the organic cotton makeup removal pads?
You can often find them at regular drug stores but if not, healthfood stores carry them in their personal care department!
Thank you so much for posting this! I’ve had fibroadenomas for a long time and am currently trying a variety of natural remedies to shrink them (while still getting regular ultrasounds and MRIs). Reading this gave me hope that it’s possible.
Thinking of you and rooting for your healing!
Hi, did your doctor ask you to do FNA? My doctor is recommending as I have multiple. I have been diagnose with multiple fibroadenomas since college for past 8 yrs. please advice. Thanks!
My doctor suggested I have it biopsied but I did not.It was solid, so FNA doesn’t work. Core biopsy would have been the method used.
I thank you for posring this. I am happy for you. I am post meneposal so I know it is hormone related. Any insight would greatly be welcome. Congratularion and thx 4 sharing this. Would A DUTCH hormone test help? Thx
Yes DUTCH or consider also Everlywell. Read my post here, lots of hormone choices.
Can you explain in more detail how you made the castor oil compress and how you applied it?
I applied it to a small organic cotton makeup pad and placed it inside my sports bra while I slept.
So happy you shared your story. Thank you!! My doctor as of this am thinks that what he felt is also a fibroadenoma and I will be doing an ultrasound tomorrow to confirm plus other tests as necessary. I have been doing a lot of what you have listed aside from castor oil compresses and taking any supplements specifically for stress handling. I will add the castor oil compresses tonight. Can you please state again how long you used your listed techniques until the fibroadenoma was undetectable. I know everyone is different but it would be a helpful guideline. Thank you!
I used the techniques for several consecutive months. Hope that helps!
Good to know your success story. I had a huge fibroadenoma in right breast detected about 5 years ago. it was ~2 cm. It grew up to 4-5 cm in 3 years. Also, there was another one growing in my armpit which was ~3 cm. It felt like I had a cherry tomato in my armpit. As it bothered me, I got them removed surgically. 2 years post surgery, the fibroadenoma recurred at the same spot where the previous one was. I am motivated to use the methods you’d tried and see if it works for me as well. I do not wish to have another surgery down the lane.
My cousin have multiple fibroadenoma.. Is that possible to cure natural ways?
My 26 year old daughter came back & was told she had this & that it had cotton bigger,I would like for her to try this she has Brac1 gene took hormones earlier age 15-16 & she said she is getting her period so wondering if hormones affect it,I’m hoping she doesn’t need surgery any help would be welcomed!
This post made me feel much better! I have fibroadenoma on my left breast since last year, march. I’m 21, almost 22. So I discovered it when I was just 20. I’ve been to my doctor three times and she said it’s all good. I went to another doctor who honestly didn’t even care to look at my previous papers and he said it’s best to remove it. I was sure he would say that, after all he’s a surgeon and that’s what he does. My mom has also had before but they dissolved naturally. I have small breasts and when I lay I can easily feel it on touch and it makes me scared. Your post made me feel more positive. I will try to implement changes in my lifestyle – healthy food and less stress, and it will hopefully dissolve on its own
I examine it myself quite often, it usually feels bigger when I’m around my period or when I’m stressed. I have anxiety and i’m super sensitive. I stress over everything. I should change that because it results in things like that. At one point when I wasn’t stressing so much on the daily I almost couldn’t feel the fibroadenoma so there is hope! Thank you!
Hi Marina, I’m so glad this resonated for you. And for sure stress and your cycle can inflame fibroadenomas. I noticed that too. I hope yours continues to shrink in time!
Hi, I also have fibroadenomas, would you mind telling me how You did the castor oil compress? I’ve ruined a bra trying that and doesn’t like running the oil in cause it freaks me out. Your help would be so greatly appreciated!
You can do something like this:
Thank you so much for this! I am going to try it. Wondering if there is a specific brand of HPA you would recommend? I always get overwhelmed with all of the options for supplements.
I took the one by Vital Plan!
Hi love,
I recently have had a fibroadenoma diagnosed too (so yes the big C scare worry waiting for that biopsy!!). Though doctors aren’t suggesting it’s removal I am obviously still on the look out for what caused it/ how to reduce it naturally though it’s only small. I already do lots of what’s on your list but keen to try the castor oil, I have heard of it before! And I’m very good with my diet overall but keen to take it a bit further and more specific for this case.
Thought I’d share I recently listened to a podcast with a nutritionist called Karen Hurd who claims to have cured patients with diagnosed Lyme’s disease, fibrocysctic breasts, mannnny autoimmune conditions etc all with a diet protocol. The episode is on the “To be magnetic” podcast and Karen has the courses for the protocols for each condition on her website. I haven’t signed up yet but keen to try – thought I’d just share in case you’re interested too!
Much love on your health journey.
Thanks for the info Samantha!
Hi, I am 20 years old. I found mine when I was 18 and was so scared I avoided going to the doctor for so long (pls don’t do this ladies). Anyways, I’m here because I was told they believe I have a Fibroadenoma, (they took a biopsy but have yet to call me for my results, however they did refer me to a surgeon without even asking me if that’s what I wanted, which since I’m here you see that I don’t, or at least not yet maybe as a last resort). One of the doctors told me that these things never go away and it will only get larger and larger completely crushing my hopes of any alternative method. Until I decided to use the fine invention of the internet and found this lovely lady’s post. I want to try a few of these methods starting ASAP. Definitely will be trying to better my diet I started reading more labels and realized how much soy I actually eat I was entirely shocked. Anyways thanks a lot for being one of the few to shine light on this and offer the natural methods you tried because i definitely did not find much other info out there. Also for the compress what kind of castor oil did you use?? Is black castor oil ok? And was it frankincense oil that you used?? Where would I be able to buy that and how many drops did you use as a guideline?? Sorry for all the questions but honestly thank you I hope this will help me out.
Any brand or type of castor oil should work and same for frankincense oil as long as it is pure. I don’t remember exactly how many drops I used. I hope this helps you!
Hi Ellisa,
Currently dealing with the same issue and not wanting to go the surgery route. Would love to hear how you’ve been going the last few months. Did you find any methods helped you?
Hi Dear,
Were you still able to workout or do some extreme activities?
I do not do extreme activities but I could
Thanks for sharing this great information, pls who are those selling this castor oil and frankincense oil and where can I buy it….am actually having the same here after one surgery still consider it growing again..pls I will be glad if you can help me out.
I got mine on Amazon
Thanks for writing this article… exactly what I needed today!
Omg this is the best. I have chronic lyme as well and was just searching for other women’s experiences with fibroadenomas. I wasn’t expecting another lyme sufferer to be going through the exact same thing! I just had an ultrasound and biopsy of my fibroadenoma. Hopefully I can get rid of it with just natural healing as you have. As a chronic lyme sufferer, it feels like something is always going wrong with your body. Thank you so much for your post.
Hope it was helpful!
I discovered the fibroadenoma in my left breast when I was just 17 and I remember being so scared because talking about breasts is such a taboo in my culture. Thank God I finally had the courage to tell my mom and finally went had multiple ultrasounds to track the fibroadenoma’s size over the course of 6 months. I was advised to do surgery too although doctors have told me it’s entirely up to my decision and is not necessary to do so. But of course, I’m scared of going under the knife so I was now looking for other remedies. I’m so grateful for this post!!! I now have a point to prove to my mom, who’s been pressing me to get surgery, that there are natural remedies that are harmless to try!!
Wow.aftr seeing ur post i have some hope. I had these since 6yrs. Gyno suggesting to remove it as it is much i dnt want to go for it. Could u pls clarify me one thing. Is soy intake helps ? Is it siggestbl to have daily in our diet if i want to concentrate on reducing fibroadenoma naturlly.
Soy is not typically recommended in the case of hormone driven growths like fibroadenomas.
Thank you for good information! I recently got to know via ultrasound i have these too . Hope it works! May i know how long it took to shrink your cyst?
Thank you for the post. I had a small fibroadenoma in my left breast in my 20s. It got bigger in my early 30s (3 cm), so it was surgically removed.
It returned a few years later. I am 42 now, and I have put off the surgery to remove it even though it’s gotten very large. Yesterday I was alarmed to discover it had grown to the point where, looking sideways in the mirror, part of it protruded past the nipple, and looking forward, it covered almost the entire right side of my (otherwise small) left breast. I threw a whole bunch of internet-derived solutions at it: lymphatic massage, iodine pills, frankincense oil, vitamin E, flaxseed, raspberry leaf tea, walnuts, turmeric, exercise, a bunch of vegetables and no refined sugar…. Today it is smaller, maybe 80% of the size it was yesterday. But I really can’t say which if any of those strategies worked, or if maybe it was just fluctuation in size due to my cycle. I will try to keep up the healthy habits and supplements and see if there is further improvement.
Glad you’ve been able to shrink it!
I was told yesterday that I have a fibroadenoma and that’s it’s probably been there for a while, I instantly felt that our national health service was not an option for such a small thing, I don’t even think they will even consider it, so I need to fix it myself, I know it’s not life threatening in anyway, but would like some advice on how to heel it myself, I’ve cut down on dairy, sugars, I drink coffee with reduced sugar almond milk
Do you remember which way it shrunk? Did it just get flatter and absorb back into the tissue or did it shrink side to side first?
I don’t actually know, I just couldn’t feel it the same way. I didn’t return for more imaging so I don’t know for sure how it shrank.
Hello its nice to be here in your blog. Well, my GP said my fibroadenomas were still as small as the corn kernels and will only need to be monitored for any changes. They could shrink or get bigger. You said you took daily intake of collagen. What type of collagen was exactly did you take? Are you still taking collagen as of now? I’m planning to also include it on my diet. Thanks so much for your response! Stay healthy
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Hi Jennifer, I read your story about shrinking your fibroadenoma and hope you’re still reading the comments
You mentioned that by early March you started with the castor oil treatment and by the end of March it was gone. But further down by answering questions you mentioned you used the techniques for several consecutive months?
Can you specify what was the actual case as I’m also trying to go thru with this method.
Thanks a lot,
I also managed to dissolve mine! Thanks for sharing! I am writing this for anyone who may come across this page in the future. I had a fibroadenoma for almost 10 years that was rather large and just wouldn’t go away. I had just accepted that I would live with it until I (perhaps) decide to have it surgically removed. However, in just three weeks I have dissolved mine entirely. I am still in shock! and I only changed one thing; I cut out all sugars except natural sugars found in fruits etc. I hope this information helps someone, because there really isn’t enough information or stories like these out there.
Hi Jennifer, I read your story and hope you’re still checking your comments as I’m dealing with the same issue.
In your story you told that by early March you started with the castor oil treatments and by the end of March it was gone.
However, further down at the comments you mentioned it took you several months.
Would you mind clarifying what was the actual case as I’d like to know how patient I have to be
Thanks a lot,
My battle with Breast cancer started 4 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatments that I took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all did not work for my condition. I was treating this disease for almost 4 year, I was able to beat my breast cancer with World Rehabilitate Clinic formula. This medication kill cancer cells completely. There are treatment for hysterectomy issues, Alzheimer’s Disease and more other chronic diseases. ( worldrehabilitateclinic. com)
Going through a similar experience and just came here to say thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your very personal experience on a platform like this. This type of information makes me feel more empowered and prepared to navigate my own situation.
I’m so glad you found it helpful!