Where do I even start!? To say I am verklempt writing this post does not even begin to describe it…
Last fall Simone of Zenbelly and I started kvetching about the lack of Jewish recipes that were gluten and grain free. I mean sure a random recipe here and there but oy gevalt, where were the bagels?!
Our internet chats quickly grew into dreaming about what Jewish family recipes we’d recreate. Suddenly that dream turned into recipe writing and photo taking. Soon YIDDISH KITCHEN was well underway complete with our bubbe’s tips on every recipe. Not only has the collaboration been a joy, it’s been a walk down memory lane as we revisited childhood Passovers, grandmothers no longer with us, and traditions that can easily be forgotten if we do not keep them alive.
Simone and I always had the wish that we could see Yiddish Kitchen in print – and after our soft launch in December we were floored by how many daily emails we received from readers who shared our desire. The problem lies in the fact that the actual printing of books takes a lot more than most people would ever imagine.
After careful consideration and a successful selling streak that could make any mensch weep, we are pleased to announce that….
What in the world does this actually mean?! This means that:
- Yiddish Kitchen will become “The New Yiddish Kitchen”
- It will DOUBLE in size and contain 100 recipes and 100 photos (in addition to the other menus and goodies)
- It will be a hard cover book so that it can withstand generations of latke frying
- It will take the place of the PDF version we offer now but will also offer a kindle option once it releases
- It will release in time for Passover 2016
We are so thrilled to share our latest work with you and are hustling to complete it as we speak. We think you’ll love the addition of the DELI FARE chapter where we’ve added Jewish deli inspired favorites to the mix.
If you have any questions, please reach out!! The current version will only be available until APRIL 15TH and then will “go dark” until the printed release next Spring. If you are wanting to get your hands on the infamous bagel recipe and don’t want to wait, get it HERE. If you are dying for the print version, but REALLY want a digital copy to hold you over until its release, go HERE.
Until then, we want to extend a sincere THANK YOU for all your support! It has given us the chutzpah we needed to move forward and get to this point, to show the world that grain free bagels indeed make like better!
sarah auzina says
How exciting! Mazel Tov!!!
Samantha Gallegos says
Congratulations! We’ve been enjoying the PDF version so much and now we’re looking forward to the print copy!
predominantlypaleo says
Oh wonderful!!! Thank you!
Slowtroll says
So excited!
Debbee says
Hi! Love your work! Love your book! Just received the print version this week. Started making the chocolate babka this morning, and for the life of me I’m not seeing what temperature to bake…
predominantlypaleo says
Hi Debbee! It’s supposed to read 350 – sorry for the confusion.