Staying healthy during any primary season of illness can feel cumbersome and overwhelming at times, so I’ve put together this Natural Must Have Products For Coronavirus Preparation post to help.
First things first… I’m not paranoid. I’m not falling victim to sensationalized media. I’m not wearing a hazmat suit from the movie Outbreak and stockpiling tubs of honey. But here’s also what: I have multiple autoimmune diagnoses. I’ve been bedridden with chronic illness more than once. I am no stranger to immense suffering and I do take thoughtful steps in protecting myself against any communicable disease that could wreak havoc on my already compromised system.
So no, there is no need to panic. Panic only creates more stress on the adrenal glands which does no favors for an immune system that needs to be on its A-game. But also, just like for flu season, or tummy bug season, or any season where your gross children are bringing home bugs from other gross children at school, it’s good to have some fundamental immune supportive, anti-viral measures in place.
I truly am not interested in a debate about coronavirus. If you think it’s a dramatization by the media or if you think it’s the end of days, I do not have the energy to engage in a heated debate about something which we know very little about. I don’t want to discuss conspiracy theories (had enough of those with my Lyme disease treatment days), nor do I want to experience conflict in any capacity.
I am writing this post purely as an informative gesture of what my family and I are doing in an attempt to stay healthy. If it is helpful to you, I am grateful. And I leave it there.
What we know so far, as with most viruses and bacterial infections, is that hand washing is the number 1 line of defense. Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water helps to NOT KILL the virus, but to help wash microbes off the hands and down the drain. The other must-do during any infectious outbreak is to avoid touching the face. We know that COVID-19 or this strain of coronavirus, settles into the lungs with its spiky exterior and can create pneumonias by replicating there.
The way that it travels into the lungs is via the mouth and nose. The primary way it does this is when we touch our faces or are in close contact with those who are sick (coughing/sneezing) and transmit the virus directly to us.
So aside from the obvious hand-washing and avoiding touching the face, what are some ways we can practice good immune-supporting behaviors and products to protect ourselves?
- LAURICIDIN – if you have been part of my community for awhile, you know Lauricidin is my favorite of all time. It is immunosupportive without killing good gut bacteria and is found in breastmilk (as monolaurin/lauric acid) so it is safe for most people. A word of caution: since it is anti-viral, ant-fungal, and anti-bacterial, it is STRONG and can create some die off responses if you’ve never taken it before. Start low and go slow as they say. Find it HERE.
- LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C – Vitamin C has been shown to be essential in anti-viral immune responses in part by upregulating NK cell (killer cell) production. Liposomal Vitamin C (or IV) are the most effective in terms of delivery because they are not destroyed by the gut as other oral forms are. You can find the brand I prefer HERE.
- OREGANO OIL – Oregano oil has been shown to have great potential when treating viruses (and other microbes). Because it can be caustic, diluted or encapsulated is safer to take. Also important to remember is that oregano oil does have the ability to damage good gut bacteria so a good probiotic is advantageous while taking oregano oil. I use THIS oregano oil.
- TAKUNA– I have used Takuna, an herbal antiviral, for years when treating HHV6. I have personally witnessed my HHV6 labs go from sky high to barely there. Because I have seen the magic of Takuna, I always keep it on hand and take it as regularly as possible. It can be put into water or taken straight from the dropper.
- PHONE SOAP – Aside from immune support and handwashing, there are some other places that get extra yucky and your phone is one of them! Investing in a de-bugger is always a good idea, and while a little costly, is a great way to ensure that the things that ARE touching your hands and face are safe! Find the one I have HERE.
I could go on all day, but the truth is, there are only so many supplements we can implement without going off the deep end emotionally and financially. Therefore, I included my top must haves. Worth mentioning, for cleaning, I use Branch Basics for everyday cleaning. I add in Thieves oil to kick it up a notch and add anti-microbial cleaning power.
I hope this post is helpful to those of you who aren’t sure where to start. As with any outbreak of any illness, we do the best with what resources have and what information we know to be true.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sensible response and helpful products! ❤️
Hope it is helpful!
Thanks for sharing the products you use!
As someone who also has multiple autoimmune diseases I’m curious about when/how often you take these…do you take them as a preventative measure on a regular basis when there is a high risk for contagious illness (like the flu season), or just when others around you seem to be coming down with something, or some other time frame/risk factors?
Obviously I’ll consult my own functional med dr. about which supplements are good for me but it’s always helpful to know how other people use them so I have a place to start when seeking advice from my dr!
Thank you!!
I typically try to take Lauricidin year round but when “peak exposure” or “peak season” kick in, I definitely double down and make sure I am really on top of my supplements.
I’ve been looking for a list like this! Thanks so much. All of these seem like good supplements to have on hand at any time.
Exactly! Great immune support and virus protection anytime!
I was wondering is Lauricid safe during pregnancy? Thank you so much for this very helpful post. I thought I was well informed but two of these are new to me! God bless you and thank you so much
Hi Mary,
While monolaurin/lauric acid is made in breastmilk, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are not advised to take it because not enough is known.
This is helpful – thanks so much! Good to have on hand in any event.