I am receiving a lot of feedback about what tools and products I use in my kitchen and where to find them. So this post is dedicated specifically to kitchen gadgets, small appliances, and gizmos.
1. First up, the NUTRIBULLET! I am not joking when i say that i use my nutribullet every. single. day. I am obsessed as it is easy, lightweight, simple to clean, and has some serious horsepower.
2. Next up, the SPIRALIZER! This bad boy is super fun and makes me appreciate veggies even more than before. What’s even better is the kids couldn’t care less that these *zoodles* aren’t glutenous noodles, because they can slurp them up just the same!
3. Third, SQUISH MEASURING CUPS. Since I apparently am a kitchen gadget hoarder, I quickly run out of space. These collapse flat and make it much easier to convince my husband that we have room for a new ice cream machine. Okay, maybe not.
4. ah, the trusty VITAMIX. I mean really does it even need an introduction? This beast is amazing and best, it comes with a warranty so sound they will basically replace it if something goes wrong. I use this guy to make my Yuca Dough and find that it does the best job because it comes with a tamper!
5. Up next, the CROCKPOT. I think everyone should have one. It need not be fancy or programmable or sing to the tune of your favorite broadway play. But a basic crockpot will take you far. I use mine constantly and it is by far my favorite way to make certain soups and chicken dishes, especially bone broth!
6. Often overlooked, CUTTING BOARDS. I chop something everyday. It might be an onion, it might be one of my kid’s hair, it might be a finger while chopping said onion. With all the chopping, I find these cutting boards great with their nonstick and flexible surface.
7. Then we’ve got these RUBBER BOTTOMED MIXING BOWLS. I heart these bowls. especially when i am moving quickly and trying to do far too many things at once, these are fool proof and keep me from spillage!
8. Next up is my favorite ever STAINLESS STOCK POT. I seriously make soup once a week if not more and I love this thing. I have abused it in so many ways and it always bounces back. If I had room in my kitchen, I would buy 2 more to keep on hand. Seriously.
9. Honestly I had no plans to buy an ICE CREAM MACHINE, but then I did and it has paid for itself over and over again. After The Real Food Guide and I wrote our Ice Cream Book, I realized just HOW handy this little dude was and honestly how EASY it was to make homemade dairy free ice cream. Plus after making the small investment in the machine, it is so much cheaper than buying dairy free ice cream by the pint!!!
10. Obsessed doesn’t even begin to describe my love for this guy right here. I use this FLEXIBLE SPATULA for Paleo pancakes, cookies, you name it. My life began when I bought this for myself. Or, something like that!
So that’s it for now. It is not important to deck out your kitchen as if you are a gourmet chef. Pick a few things that you will use the most and start there. Cooking with whole foods can take a little more effort and practice, but is so worth the rewards it brings!
All great picks!! Intrigued by the spiralizer…is it budget friendly?
How timely. Jennifer! I was going to message you to see what you recommended for a veggie juicer. Does the Nutribullet remove the pulp, or just make a veggie slushy?
Sue, it goes on sale through Amazon quite a bit, I think i paid $25 but i have also seen them at Goodwill!!!!
The Nutribullet does not remove pulp, it is more of a blender type gadget. For juicing I have the Omega VRT350hd and love it!