Simple Homemade Flax Milk
As you’ve probably gathered from many of my recipes, I heart flax milk. I find it to be a great neutral non-dairy milk great for baking, drinking, or using in creamy soups. This homemade one can be whipped up in minutes and can be sweetened to your liking with dates, stevia, or honey. By simply adding a little more sweetener at a time you can adjust exactly how sweet you like it! Bonus feature, it only takes 1/3 of a cup of flax seeds to make this nutritious delight, making it very cost effective to make at home.
Print [2]Simple Homemade Flax Milk
- 1/3 cup flax seeds
- 3 cups water (plus 1–1.5 more cups)
- Cheesecloth or unworn pantyhose
- 2 dates (or stevia or honey to taste)
- Combine flax seeds and 3 cups water in blender
- Blend until thick and creamy
- Run thick milk through cheesecloth (or pantyhose to strain seed particles)
- Once strained, blend 1-1.5 more cups water plus dates to desired consistency
- Can be used right away or chilled for later use
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