Sick Tummies Popsicles
You know around this time of year I don’t just find inspiration in food, I unfortunately find inspiration in illness. <<SAD FACE>> But you know the drill: kids go back to school, they share germs with hundreds of their closest friends, the temperatures cool, they spend less time outside, get less Vitamin D and sunshine, eat more sugar, and BAM. It all hits the fan. Sometimes quite literally. I realized, after talking to a friend whose daughter had gotten the tummy bug, that I always have my go-to sidekicks that I give both the virus victim as well as the rest of us, in an attempt to make the bug slow its roll. They include 100% fruit juice, Takesumi Supreme [3] or activated charcoal [4], and electrolytes.
I do NOT stand behind the typical sports drinks (on or off the field), and so I prefer to source ingredients that I believe can actually provide nutritional support and/or symptom relief. Typically once a virus has entered the body and has reared its ugly head, it is difficult to stop it until it has run its course and is done provoking symptoms. However, I have found that supplementing with Takesumi Supreme [3] or activated charcoal [4]and combining that with a little bit of natural sugar to keep blood sugar regulated (100% juice), as well as supplementing electrolytes [5] (magnesium, potassium, and sodium), can REALLY help to provide symptom relief and even curb vomiting or diarrhea. This is especially the case when dehydration and low blood sugar are contributing to the nausea and stomach cramping. There has been concern that binders like activated charcoal Takesumi Supreme can contribute to NUTRIENT absorption as well as toxin or viral binding, however, there is not much evidence to support this; in fact it may help increase lifespan in animals according to one Russian study by V. Frolkis.
Regardless, short term supplementation, especially during a virus should not cause harm and in our experience definitely has provided symptom relief. The electrolytes [6] I’ve included in this recipe are the same ones I give my son in water to take to his gymnastics practices and meets. I am much happier with the ingredients than with typical sports drinks.
Print [2]Sick Tummies Popsicles
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Cook Time: 2 hours
- Total Time: 2 hours 5 minutes
- Yield: 4 Popsicles 1x
- 1 cup 100% grape juice
- 1 teaspoon Takesumi Supreme [3]
- 1 packet Electrolyte Powder [5]
- Combine all ingredients and blend or stir to combine
- Pour them into popsicle molds and freeze until solid
- Run warm water over the popsicle mold to help it release once frozen
- Find the following products as follows:
Takesumi Supreme [3]
Note: Dark binders can stain so proceed with caution when serving
Find it online: [8]