When I tell you my banana-hating daughter ate this happily, that’s my bat signal to you to make this Paleo Banana Cobbler stat!
Ok so full transparency: my dear friend Lou Ellen, who embodies all the GREAT things about Southerners that we love dearly, keeps bags of Legit Bread [3] in her kitchen cabinets. And then, on a whim, again, like a great Southern woman, she “whips” up something delicious that makes the entire house smell like home. You know what I mean.
So she messaged me the other day with a photo of her latest creation. And I asked her if I could share – because basically – YOU ALL ABSOLUTELY NEED TO TASTE WHAT SHE’S BEEN BAKING. And also, because admittedly, I don’t cook a lot of fruit. It’s a whole thing, but we won’t get into that; because look what Lou Ellen made!
Lulu and I met in Germany; it was my first assignment as an Air Force spouse, and actually I wasn’t even officially a spouse yet until we eloped in Denmark. But I met her and after 16 years, we are still TTRT (tight tight real tight) and now get to live in the same city again! That’s one of the good things about military life: sometimes goodbyes turn into hellos again!
So Lou Ellen made you all this Paleo Banana Cobbler and since you may not get the gift of meeting her in person (though I hope you do), you’ll definitely want feel a little bit of her hospitality and warm fuzzies when you make this cobbler.
Paleo Banana Cobbler
- 3 ripe bananas, mashed with a fork
- 1 egg
- 1 stick butter, melted (ghee or coconut oil will work)
- I cup coconut or maple sugar
- 1 cup Legit Bread Mix [4](not entire bag, Blonde or Original will work)
- 1 cup dairy free milk ( I used flax)
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
- 1/2–1 cup chopped pecans or whatever nuts you have on hand (I used cashew pieces because I was out of pecans and was too lazy to go to the store mid-bake)
- Top with ice cream or eat in all its glory plain
- Preheat oven to 350
- Mash bananas with a fork and combine all other ingredients except ice cream
- Use a hand mixer or whisk by hand (you can leave some banana pieces or make smooth)
- Spoon into a casserole dish, mine measures 7×9 approximately
- Bake for 40 minutes
- Serve warm with ice cream
Find it online: https://predominantlypaleo.com/paleo-banana-cobbler/ [5]