so there are these kale chips that i am obsessed with but are *gulp* over 5 bucks a bag. it’s ridiculous and i feel guilty each time i buy them. but they are good, and i mean goooooood. these are a fraction of the cost, satisfy the crunch, and are packed with the good stuff….
Paleo Vanilla Pudding
Paleo Vanilla Pudding Have you looked at some of the ingredients in store bough pudding? For such a simple delicious treat, they sure have figured out how to really botch it up and make it awful for you. Plus if you have difficulty tolerating cow’s milk like I do (yes even raw), then making your…
grain free chicken “tamales/taquitos”
after a great success with my paleo piggies, i thought it might be fun to see what else i can wrap up with grain free blankets of love. as i drifted into slumber the other night i got it!!! tamales or taquitoes! these are kind of a cross breed which is sometimes the result of voiding…
Garlic Butter Sweet Potato Noodles
I can live without noodles, I really can. Even the littles can live without noodles. But no denying, noodles are nice! This dish satisfies the need for noodles, veggies, main course, side dish, you name it. It’s a feel good meal you can make as is or even top with my crockpot spaghetti sauce for a hearty…
Paleo Piggies
Apparently in the real world I have to make things other than soup and chocolate rooted treats; major bummer for me. But these little paleo piggies in a blanket got a ‘thumbs up’ from all three littles who left but not a crumb on the plate, much to the dog’s disappointment. If you are newer…
Grain Free Yumola Granola
Grain Free Yumola Granola Cereal is one of those treats that is still easy to obtain when eating gluten free but becomes much harder when giving up grain. This delicious grain free, sugar free granola is packed with flavor and is just as satisfying (if not more) as any of its boxed counterparts. Ingredients: 1…
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
You may have noticed how few posts have been happening here lately, but there is a good reason…I. Have. No. Kitchen! But after seeing that I got a few hundred hits today that make me feel like I need to post something and stat! So without further ado, here is a lil somethin’ I baked…
Grain Free Tempura Zucchini
Be excited, be very excited – grain free tempura is here! This recipe reminds me of two tasty childhood memories. First I am a huge fan of tempura shrimp and veggies at hibachi steak houses. I haven’t been able to eat them in years but omg the deliciousness is out of control. I love everything…
‘Lala’ Truffles
‘Lala’ Truffles These are a combination between Lara bars, truffles, girl scout samoa cookies, and the best healthy food you ever ate! Thanks to my mom, the girl scouts, and the price of Lara bars for the inspiration. My kids were literally fighting over them as quickly as i could roll them and the batch…