I can’t believe it’s less than a month until PALEO KIDS COOKBOOK comes out! It seems like I wrote this thing last year! Oh wait, I did. I appreciate all of your patience as you’ve been anticipating the release and I know so many of you pre-ordered AGES ago! I wanted to give you a…
5 Reasons EVERYONE Should Blog
5 Reasons EVERYONE Should Blog Sometimes you’ll find that I go off on a bit of a tangent in the sense that all of my posts aren’t recipes made without grain and dairy. It might in fact seem completely unrelated to a “paleo lifestyle” and may even make you wonder – what does this have…
Non-Toxic DIY Bug Repellant
Funny enough this is something I’ve been making at home far before I knew how to cook or blog. I’ve always hated the idea of spraying straight up poison onto my skin. And now of course that I am a mom, that hasn’t changed – in fact I’ve become even more obsessed about it, especially…