Grated Cassava Yuca Dough (Paleo) I am super excited to share with you this guest post from Paleo Gone Sassy today! She has been working with my yuca dough for awhile now and has come up with a very efficient way of bringing it altogether! Quicker and no blender needed!!! So if you’ve been chomping…
Search Results for: yuca
Yuca Dough FAQ
Who knew yuca could create such a stir?! This starchy tuber is just full of possibilities and why not? It’s starchy like a potato but yet can be magically transformed into a dough like delicacy. Stuffed, baked, or fried, the options are endless! Yuca also comes with quite a few inquiries. You can find my…
Yuca (Cassava) Cake
After finishing up the Ice Cream Book written with The Real Food Guide, I have been focusing more on savory foods versus treats. But to be honest, there has been an idea brewing for quite some time and I finally had to give it a go. Most of my yuca recipes I try to keep…
Paleo Carnitas on Yuca Cakes
AIP OR Autoimmune Paleo is an even more strict version of the grain and dairy free paleo lifestyle many have grown to love. It takes away nuts, seeds, eggs, chocolate, and nightshades, among other things. It can be especially tough to adjust to all of these omissions after a lifetime of indulging. My hope in…
Yakkin’ About Yuca: Slaying the Stubborn Tuber {YOUTUBE}
Oh my Goodness!!! Not ever in a bazillion kajillion years did I imagine plopping myself in front of a VIDEO Camera to talk about Yuca! I mean seriously, 2 years ago I practically needed a life coach to help me boil a pot of water, and now I am posting videos about how to cook…
Budget Backyard Makeover
This Budget Backyard Makeover brought to you by: me not leaving the house in 6 weeks (or more). During a time of great uncertainty, I turned lemons into… a swimming pool! When it became a certainty that my family and I would not be spending much time out in the free world this Spring (or…
Empanadas Two Ways: Picadillo + Chocolate Dulce de Leche
Disclaimer: This post is in partnership with World Market, one of my favorite home brands of all time. All opinions and recipes are my own. Empanadas Two Ways: Picadillo + Chocolate Dulce de Leche Since I basically live at World Market buying food props and fun furniture, I jumped at the chance to work with…
PALEO PIZZA CRUST ROUND UP Nobody, and I do mean nobody should have to live life without the simple pleasure that pizza can bring. It’s truly “the people’s food” and with the number of delicious possibilities you can put on your pie, you deserve to celebrate, paleo or not. But here’s the thang, this is where…
Paleo Biscuits + Sausage Gravy
Paleo Biscuits + Sausage Gravy When I wrote Down South Paleo, cassava flour was nowhere to be seen. So I used different blends of flours including potato starch, water chestnut flour, almond flour, and tapioca starch. I also used the whole yuca root which is not only delicious but an adventure to learn as some…
I never did publish this recipe, despite its deliciousness because I had planned to include it in a book. But then DOWN SOUTH PALEO happened and after that THE NEW YIDDISH KITCHEN and basically that “other” book just never did quite get finished. But that’s okay because now YOU get to benefit from my project…
So I have a recipe for Paleo Egg Rolls using yuca root and I have a recipe for Chimichangas in Down South Paleo. When I first set out to write this recipe, I actually did not in any way intend on writing it for PALEO EGG ROLL CHIMICHANGAS. But such is life and the best…
Homemade Cassava Flour
I am not sure where the name “Yuca Queen” came from, how exactly it was bestowed on me, or why I deserve such a crown, but…. It’s no lie that I LOVE yuca! I love its versatility, I love that it is ultimately easy to digest by the majority, and that it is suitable for…
Down South Paleo Resource Page
Y’all have inspired me to make this reference page for Down South Paleo so that you can see all the ingredients I use, where I get them from, and what brands I typically purchase. I will also notate substitutions as I have received them from readers, even if I have not tried them myself. Please…
Down South Paleo
Down South Paleo Cookbook Growing up in Texas, I learned a few important life lessons from the Lone Star State: 1) There are few places as friendly! 2) Don’t pick the bluebonnets! 3) Southern food is like no other! When I moved away after two and a half decades of Texas livin’, I was forced to change…