5 Reasons EVERYONE Should Blog
Sometimes you’ll find that I go off on a bit of a tangent in the sense that all of my posts aren’t recipes made without grain and dairy. It might in fact seem completely unrelated to a “paleo lifestyle” and may even make you wonder – what does this have to do with ME?! And – where is the yummy food?! I get that but let me tell you more about why these tangents are in fact completely in line with this lifestyle. Part of living well, healing, and maximizing life has nothing to do with nutrition. While I will preach for days about how whole food is the foundation to it all, there is so much more. That’s why I’ve decided to include things like DIY projects, homemade “natural” gifts, how to advocate for yourself, dining guides, and now this – 5 Reasons EVERYONE Should Blog. Arbitrary as it may seem, finding joy and living a well-rounded life is absolutely essential to good health. You’ve possibly heard about findings like THIS, where spending money on others is linked to lower blood pressure. Or THIS, where hugging can help heart health too, by increasing oxytocin. Ultimately, to lead a more fulfilling and healthy life, it’s a combination of elements that helps us. So that got me thinking the other night, while relaxing in a hot tub, another nightly ritual I use for stress management and “me” time – EVERYONE SHOULD BLOG. This sounds a little outrageous to some and what is blogging anyway? It’s a way to jot down your thoughts, feelings, ideas into a place that is secure but can also be shared with the world. You can post your family’s travel tips, your ways to manage visits from the inlaws, or your favorite brownie recipe that’s been passed down since before time began. Blogging isn’t just for the “pros”, and here are my 5 reasons everyone should be doing it.
- It’s your space to make how you see fit. Whatever you want, you can write it. Want to cuss like a sailor even though your kids have only ever heard you exclaim “Jiminy Crickets” when you broke your arm in 3 places?! You can! Nobody will ever know unless you want them to. You can blog completely in private or you can choose to share it with the world. The settings are up to you and how you decide to shape it.
- It’s an outlet. Remember the days of journaling and diary keeping. Remember losing the little key to your childhood diary or catching your younger sibling trying to pry it open? Blogging can be used as an online journal. Jot down your thoughts, type out your worries and fears; they are kept safe for you and thanks to the internet, you’ll always be able to access them – even years down the road. Journaling is cathartic and emotionally healing – and it’s an art we’ve often forgotten.
- It’s for YOU. Ever feel like everything you do is for someone else? Your spouse, employer, kids, other family members? Your blog is YOURS. It is not there to please others. It’s not a chore, you can do it when you feel like it on YOUR time. And it’s not laundry. So there’s that.
- If you choose to share, your blog can bond you to others. Have you ever been to a social gathering, support group, or other event where you felt really connected to people afterwards? You shared ideas back and forth and upon sharing your life experience you noticed others had similar experiences too. The idea that there are others out there just like you is very comforting. Blogs can create that unity among people. When I started Predominantly Paleo I did it just for me. I didn’t share it with anyone until I realized there are LOTS of people out there looking to clean up their eating. Once I realized that my little community grew and grew until this point (which I never saw coming). Finding people out there with experience you can relate to is a wonderful thing, especially when you may feel isolated at home.
- Blogging can be a career! It seems absurd doesn’t it? That sharing your ideas can actually be a full time job that you only have to do part time. It’s certainly not a fit for everyone, nor should it be, but the opportunity is there to be your own boss and make it your job! This was something I also never saw coming but I am so happy with what I have built and continue to be excited everyday I get to share my life, food, and fun with y’all! Blogging professionally brings about freedom that is really indescribable.
You don’t have to be fancy, you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to start!
Do you have any recommendations for someone who wants to start their own blog? I’m a rookie, and would love some direction.
You can get a free one on wordpress.com and then if you decide to migrate it over later to have it self-hosted you can always do that. So pick a name and a theme and check out wordpress.com and go from there!